
Add a fixed-sized text

Add a text element with a fixed font size by clicking the Text tool icon, then clicking anywhere on the canvas.

Add an auto-sized text

Add a text element with auto-sized font by clicking the Text tool icon, then clicking anywhere on the canvas, holding the mouse button, and moving it anywhere to draw its dimensions.

Text properties

This Content field contains the text displayed by the element. There is support for Emojis. To set the Emoji style (Facebook, Twitter, Google, or Apple) go to the template settings.

The Font setting lets you choose from thousands of Google Fonts or upload your own.

In the Size settings, you can specify how the text element calculates its font size and dimensions.

The Spacing settings allow you to adjust letter spacing (the horizontal distance between letters) and line height (the vertical distance between lines of text).

If you want the text to fit on one line, set the Wrap option to "No Wrap". The default is to break the text into separate lines.

When the text overflows the element's borders, you can use the Clip setting to cut it off with an ellipsis.

The Alignment setting determines how the text is aligned in the element's area, both horizontally (left, center and right) and vertically (top, center, and bottom).

The text color is set using Fill. For an outlined text, uncheck the Fill option and use Stroke instead.

Apply a background with the Text Background option. Make the background larger by using the Padding option and create rounded corners with Radius. To align the text background with other text lines, use Align Threshold. This is a percentage of the element's width (0% disables the alignment).

The Text Transform option allows you to apply an "Uppercase" or "Lowercase" transformation. It's especially useful if your text element is populated with external data, and you want to enforce a specific text casing.

View all properties that aren't specific to text elements on the element properties page.

Size mode: auto-sized dimensions

This mode lets you set a fixed text size, with the dimensions of the elements automatically calculated based on the content.

Size mode: fixed text size and dimensions

This mode lets you set a fixed text size and fixed dimensions. In case the text doesn't fit on one line, it will break onto the next. You can disable this with the Wrap property.

Size mode: auto-sized text with fixed dimensions

This mode lets you set fixed dimensions, which will auto-resize the text to make it fit. It is possible to specify a Minimum and Maximum font size. In case the text doesn't fit on one line, it will break onto the next. You can disable this with the Wrap property.

Size mode: fixed height

This mode lets you set a fixed element height, which will auto-resize the text to make it fit. It is possible to specify a Minimum and Maximum font size.

Size mode: fixed width

This mode lets you set a fixed element width, which will auto-resize the text to make it fit. It is possible to specify a Minimum and Maximum font size. In case the text doesn't fit on one line, it will break onto the next. You can disable this with the Wrap property.

Use custom fonts

You can upload your own font in WOF, OTF, or TTF formats by opening the font picker, then clicking "Upload" to choose the font files from your device. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your font files directly into the editor.

Manage your fonts in the "My Fonts" category of the font picker.

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