The pen tool allows us to draw and edit custom vector shapes.
Enter Pen tool mode by clicking the Pen tool icon or pressing P on your keyboard. Then click anywhere on the canvas to draw your shape. Click the starting point to close the path or press Escape to leave the path open.
You can draw a Bézier path by clicking and holding the mouse button as you place your points.
Start by double-clicking the element to enter editing mode, and then click anywhere on the path to insert points. Hold the mouse button to move the point immediately.
The control points are linked by default. If you want to move just one control point, hold the Alt key while dragging.
The currently selected point can be removed by pressing Delete on your keyboard.
Open up the path by selecting a point and pressing Alt + Delete on your keyboard.
Appending points to an open path can be done by clicking the Pen tool icon and then clicking one of the open ends. To close the path, click the other open end or press Escape to keep it open.
Double-click any point to convert it from straight to smooth or vice versa.