Common properties

The following table lists the properties that all element types support.

Many properties use the relative unit system by default.

tracknullThe track number on which this element is placed. If you are rendering an image, you can leave this value at null.
timenullThe time at which you want the element to appear within its composition.
durationnullThe duration for which you would like the element to appear. When set to null, the element will be stretched until the end of the composition or the beginning of the next element on the same track, whichever comes first.
dynamicfalseDetermines what elements to display to the user for Bulk Generation and Shareable Forms.
lockedfalseBy setting the property to false, the user is not able to interact with the element in the template designer.
visibletrueWhen set to false, the element is not rendered.
x50%The x-axis position of the element in the composition.
y50%The y-axis position of the element in the composition.
width100%The width of the element in relation to the composition.
height100%The height of the element in relation to the composition.
aspect_rationullUsing this property, the element will be constrained to a particular aspect ratio (width/height). A value of 1 is square, a value of 1.6 is 16:10.
x_padding0 vwPadding of the element on the horizontal axis.
y_padding0 vhPadding of the element on the vertical axis.
z_indexnullThe order in which the elements are rendered. When set to null (the default), the element is rendered in the same order in which it was defined.
x_anchor50%The element's origin from which its x-axis position, scale, rotate, and skew are applied.
y_anchor50%The element's origin from which its y-axis position, scale, rotate, and skew are applied.
x_scale100%The horizontal scale transformation in percent.
y_scale100%The vertical scale transformation in percent.
x_skewThe horizontal skew transformation in degrees.
y_skewThe vertical skew transformation in degrees.
x_rotationRotates the element along the x-axis.
y_rotationRotates the element along the y-axis.
z_rotationRotates the element along the z-axis.
perspectivenullThe distance between the z=0 plane and the camera. Use it with the z_rotation and y_rotation. As this value decreases, the 3D perspective effect will become stronger. If null, the perspective is calculated by the element's dimensions.
backface_visibletrueSet to false to hide the backface of the element when rotated around its x and y axes.
x_alignment50%The position of the element's content on the x-axis. It's often used with the aspect_ratio parameter. Also used to align text in text elements.
y_alignment50%The position of the element's content on the y-axis. It's often used with the aspect_ratio parameter. Also used to align text in text elements.
fill_colornullThe fill color of the element. It may be a string or an array of color stops if fill_mode is set to linear or radial. Use the template designer to see how color stops are formatted.
fill_modesolidThe fill method used. There are 3 options: solid, linear, and radial.
fill_x050%The start position of the gradient on the x-axis. Use with fill_mode linear or radial.
fill_y00%The start position of the gradient on the y-axis. Use with fill_mode linear or radial.
fill_x150%The end position of the gradient on the x-axis. Use with fill_mode linear or radial.
fill_y1100%The end position of the gradient on the y-axis. Use with fill_mode linear or radial.
fill_radius50%The radius of the radial gradient in relation to the element's max(width,height).
stroke_colornullThe stroke color of the element.
stroke_width0.1 vminThe size of the stroke.
stroke_caproundThe stroke cap. There are 3 options: but, square, and round.
stroke_joinroundThe stroke join. There are 3 options: miter, bevel, and round.
stroke_start0%The start of the stroke relative to its total length.
stroke_end100%The end of the stroke relative to its total length.
stroke_offset0%The offset of the stroke relative to its total length.
border_radius0 vminThe border radius of the element.
shadow_colornullThe shadow color, or null to disable it.
shadow_blur3 vminThe blurriness of the shadow.
shadow_x0 vminThe offset of the shadow on the x-axis.
shadow_y0 vminThe offset of the shadow on the y-axis.
clipfalseWhen set to true, the element's content is clipped to its borders.
opacity100%The opacity of the element.
blend_modenoneThe blend mode of the element. These options are available: none, multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, lighter, difference, exclusion, hue, saturation, color, luminosity.
color_filternoneThe color filter that is applied to the element. These options are currently available: none, brighten, contrast, hue, invert, grayscale, and sepia.
color_filter_value0%This parameter allows you to control the color_filter, such as the intensity.
color_overlaynullA color that is applied on top the element.
blur_radius0The radius of the blur that is applied to the element.
blur_modestackThe algorithm used to blur the element. There are 3 options: stack, box, and box-2.
mask_modenullBy setting the mask mode, the element is used as a mask for the element one track below it. The options alpha and alpha-inverted use the alpha channel of this element, and luma and luma-inverted use the luminance.
repeatfalseWhen set to true, the element is repeated in its composition, acting as a fill pattern.
warp_modedefaultThis parameter is used in conjunction with warp_matrix to apply a warp effect to the element. When set to default, the warp is applied based on a grid of points. By choosing the perspective option, you can warp the element using a 2 by 2 grid, similar to Adobe After Effects' "Perspective Corner Pin".
warp_matrixnullArray of points that control the warp effect. For a better understanding of how it should be configured, use the template designer.
animationsnullAn array of animation keyframes.
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