POST /v1/renders endpoint

This endpoint allows you to start one or multiple renders. If you want to create a single render, provide a template ID or source. In order to start multiple renders at once, you can specify one or more template tags.

A 202 Accepted response is returned when the request has been successfully received, along with an array of renders that have been queued in the format of Render.

To be notified when a render has failed or completed, you can poll the GET /v1/renders endpoint or use a webhook. The processing of images usually takes only a couple of seconds. The time it takes to create a video depends on several factors, including its length, effects, frame rate, and resolution. After a render is finished, it will be stored for a maximum of 30 days at the specified URL.

Request parameters

output_format (string, optional)
The output format of the render, which can be jpg, png, gif, or mp4. If it's not provided, the template's output_format is used.

frame_rate (number, optional)
The frame rate of the rendered video, which can be 1 to 60 fps for mp4, and 1 to 15 for gif. Do not provide this parameter when rendering a jpg or png. If it's not provided, the template's frame_rate is used.

render_scale (number, optional)
The scale at which you want your render to be in relation to the template. The default value is 1.0 (100%), which means the render will have the same dimensions as the template.

max_width (number, optional)
Scales the render so that its width never exceeds the provided number while maintaining its aspect ratio. This parameter can be combined with max_height. If set, render_scale will be ignored.

max_height (number, optional)
Scales the render so that its height never exceeds the provided number while maintaining its aspect ratio. This parameter can be combined with max_width. If set, render_scale will be ignored.

template_id (string, optional)
The ID of the template that you want to use. Using this parameter will always result in a single render.

tags (an array of strings, optional)
A JSON array containing one or more template tags. You can assign tags to your templates under Templates in your dashboard. Depending on how many templates are assigned to those tags, this may create a single render, multiple renders, or none at all.

source (object, optional)
You can provide the template source here directly if you do not want to use a template from your account. Using this parameter will always result in a single render.

modifications (object, optional)
A JSON map containing modifications you want to apply to your template before it is rendered.

webhook_url (string, optional)
A URL that you want to be called when the render succeeds or fails. Read more about webhooks.

metadata (string, optional)
A string you want to pass to the webhook URL. In this field, you can store your own data to identify renders later, such as a database ID.

Response data

If the request was successful, you will receive an array of Renders.

Example request

1curl -X POST https://api.creatomate.com/v1/renders \
2  -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY' \
3  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
4  -d '{
5    "tags": ["instagram"],
6    "modifications": {
7      "my-element.text": "A different text"
8    }
9  }'

Example response

2  {
3    "id": "e05f847e-2236-4da6-84d5-bb8bdbb0eeca",
4    "status": "planned",
5    "url": "https://cdn.creatomate.com/renders/e05f847e-2236-4da6-84d5-bb8bdbb0eeca.mp4",
6    "template_id": "9e90d011-52e6-49dc-8a7a-5f25058c2568",
7    "template_name": "My Template 1",
8    "template_tags": ["instagram"],
9    "output_format": "mp4",
10    "modifications": {
11      "my-element.text": "A different text"
12    }
13  },
14  {
15    "id": "8fdf79bc-b330-4e95-8715-b262f0b5ac9d",
16    "status": "planned",
17    "url": "https://cdn.creatomate.com/renders/8fdf79bc-b330-4e95-8715-b262f0b5ac9d.mp4",
18    "template_id": "1ad534f0-fe6d-4150-b8cc-90db357e3a7e",
19    "template_name": "My Template 2",
20    "template_tags": ["instagram"],
21    "output_format": "mp4",
22    "modifications": {
23      "my-element.text": "A different text"
24    }
25  }
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GET /v1/renders