# Here is how to generate an image or video based on a template. # First, set up a template using the online editor. # Then call the REST endpoint to render the template using custom data.
curl -s -X POST https://api.creatomate.com/v1/renders \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary @- << EOF { "template_id": "58c1163e-f250-49df-b98d-e8c4aad01a2d", "modifications": { "Title": "Your Text And Video Here", "Title.fill_color": "#4980f1", "Background-Video": "https://example.com/video.mp4" } } EOF
Web Integration
Develop Video-Powered Applications
Integrate the JavaScript Preview SDK to add web-based editing to your apps.
Interactive previews before creating final MP4s, JPGs, etc.
Build full stack editor applications for the browser.