The render object

The POST endpoint, GET endpoint, and webhook use this format to describe a single render.

id (string)
The unique ID of the render.

status (string)
The render status, which can be one of the following:

  • planned: the render is queued for rendering
  • waiting: the render is waiting for a third-party service (e.g., OpenAI or ElevenLabs) to finish
  • transcribing: an input file is being transcribed
  • rendering: the render is being processed
  • succeeded: the render has been completed successfully
  • failed: the render failed due to the reason specified in the error_message field

error_message (string, optional)
The error that caused the render to fail. This field is only present if the render has failed (status is set to failed)

url (string)
The URL of the rendered video or image. This field is always present, but you must poll the GET endpoint or await the webhook before accessing this URL, as the file is only available after the render has been completed (status is set to succeeded).

snapshot_url (string, optional)
The URL of the snapshot image of the render. This field is only present when a snapshot is available, and only after the render has been completed. Snapshots can be enabled with the snapshot_time field in the template source.

template_id (string, optional)
The ID of the template from which the render is derived. This field is only present when the render was created from a template.

template_name (string, optional)
The name of the template from which the render is derived. This field is only present when the render was created from a template.

template_tags (an array of strings, optional)
The assigned tags of the template from which the render is derived. This field is only present when the render was created from a template.

output_format (string)
The output format of the render, which can be jpg, png, gif, or mp4.

render_scale (number, optional)
The scale of the render in relation to the template.

width (number, optional)
The width of the render. This field is only present when the render has been completed.

height (number, optional)
The height of the render. This field is only present when the render has been completed.

frame_rate (number, optional)
The frame rate of the render in frames per second. This field is only present when the render has been completed.

duration (number, optional)
The duration of the render in seconds. This field is only present when the render is a video (gif or mp4) and has been completed.

file_size (number, optional)
The file size of the render. This field is only present when the render has been completed.

modifications (object, optional)
A JSON map containing modifications that were applied to the template before it was rendered. This is the exact value that was provided in the POST request that triggered this render.

webhook_url (string, optional)
A URL that you want to be called when the render succeeds or fails. This is the exact value that was provided in the POST request that triggered this render.

metadata (string, optional)
A string you want to pass to the webhook URL. This is the exact value that was provided in the POST request that triggered this render.


2  "id": "69ba407b-72a9-4050-a9fb-559827b9623d",
3  "status": "succeeded",
4  "url": "https://cdn.creatomate.com/renders/69ba407b-72a9-4050-a9fb-559827b9623d.mp4",
5  "snapshot_url": "https://cdn.creatomate.com/snapshots/69ba407b-72a9-4050-a9fb-559827b9623d.jpg",
6  "template_id": "9e90d011-52e6-49dc-8a7a-5f25058c2568",
7  "template_name": "Social Media Statistics Video",
8  "template_tags": ["infographic", "post-to-twitter"],
9  "output_format": "mp4",
10  "render_scale": 1,
11  "width": 720,
12  "height": 900,
13  "frame_rate": 60,
14  "duration": 15.5,
15  "file_size": 751089,
16  "modifications": {
17    "title_element.text": "This month's Twitter growth",
18    "growth_element.text": "+20% more retweets",
19    "circle_element.stroke_end": "20%"
20  }
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The modifications object